
Thursday, 31 May 2012

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Victorious Youth Conference 2012

Come for: Youth Conference 2012 theme: EARLY ACHIEVER'S ANOINTING
ref. psalm 90:14
date: Thursday 7th - Sunday 10th June, 2012
venue: (former fabisco factory hall.) Youth Development Centre, kajola, Imo-Ilesa, Osun state, Nigeria. Click Here! For Enquiry Call: 08033711510 or 08033605919 Ministering live Bishop Mike Bamidele. http://48ea3jpjo84-lgccnpcn0b0b4d.hop.clickbank.net/
Other attractions: drama, dance, gospel song, joke's, riddles and poem. j.mp/Jlaws6
Host Victory Chapel International.
I thank you all........FirmFountain Investment General Merchandise, training & forex Trading register now http://j.mp/okyyK7 skye bank officials on Twitpic
check this to see how to work online....http://j.mp/JyYo4W
Let Chat on profit sharing community website ....click here http://j.mp/Jlaws6
Register just here http://j.mp/yGl38B Youth Conference Ilesa June 7-10 will lead to bringing back to life the Victory Youth Chapel and new Victory Campus fellowships, end has come,Matt.24 or Isa.4. let join hands together to spread the gospel. Old exco and active support is needed to accomplish this vision or you have passion for youth salvation join us.
Mission.-Laying a solid foundation for your future.
-Academic success with ease.
-The glory of youth.
-Making right choices in life.
- How to discover and fulfil your destiny.
-Knowing and fulfilling your responsibility to your family.Click Here!

Wednesday, 30 May 2012

How to Make Money by Rabbit

Adult Rabbit name Buck and female Doe, Young male pup and female pup. And Newly Born is litter. Gestation is 1month. Corprophagia the process were rabbit eat the feaces (semi-solid). Reproduction - Maturity age - 6month. Rabbit does not come on monthly uterus cycle. Female rabbit can be mate any time because it is a ovulation induces, any time it mate it will ovulate immediately. If the male tumbled from the back of the female that mean mating as took place. Gestation is 30days.
Kindling: The mating date must be recorded, if the farrowing day is near provide the kindling box. 24-48hour before kindling it will remove it fur after they will kindle, why for it remove is to act as insulation for the little. Removin of the fur will help the litter to locate the breast teat. Weaning:-6 to 8weeks Feeding......i.compound ration grower mash can be given to them 120-150gper rabbit per day. ii. Forage can be given to them, any time but not toxic one. e.g. Tridax spokube, bush milk, and it is herbivorious. Feeder and drinkers: Double of the feed should be given to them as water. Housing is called hutches. Some do it indoor and some out door if out door contruct in a way rain will not fall on them. Inadditional Be sure to keep plenty of hay or straw in the pen FirmFountain Investment General Merchandise, training & forex Trading register nowhttp://j.mp/okyyK7check this to see how to work online....http://j.mp/JyYo4WLet Chat on profit sharing community website ....click herehttp://j.mp/Jlaws6Register just herehttp://j.mp/yGl38Bfor bedding.4Rabbits reach maturity somewhere between 6 and 10 months of age depending on the breed. Smaller breeds mature quicker than larger.The following breeds will weigh approximately this much when fully mature; Netherland Dwarf 2 1/2 lbs., Jersey Wooley 3 1/2 lbs., Holland Lop 4 lbs., Mini-Rex 4 1/2 lbs., Dutch 5 1/2 lbs., Havana 5 1/2 lbs., Florida White 6 lbs., Mini Lop 6 1/2 lbs., Rex 9 lbs., Palomino, 10 lbs., Satin 11 lbs., New Zealand 11 lbs., French Lop 12 lbs., Flemish Giant 13 lbs.5Pellets should be fed to rabbits in the following portions; Dwarfs 1/2 cup per day, Mini-Lops 3/4 cup per day, Larger rabbits 1 cup per day, Flemish Giant 1 1/2 cups per day.6Clean each pen at least once per week, throwing out all bedding material, and replace it with new, clean beddingThe domesticated rabbit is a rare food option for most Americans. The meat is comparable to poultry and provides an economical alternative to larger animals. During World War II, the government encouraged the raising of rabbit to relieve the burden of a red meat shortage. Today the domesticated rabbits commonly distributed in the United States are New Zealand and Belgian hybrids or imported Chinese rabbits. Rabbit meat is typically available fresh or frozen.Rabbit meat is well known for its high protein content. A 3-oz. serving of rabbit meat contains 28 g of protein, more than beef or chicken. Rabbit is also a concentrated source of iron. A serving contains more than 4 mg. Additionally, the meat provides a wide range of minerals. The highest levels include 204 mg of phosphorous and 292 mg of potassium. The calories in rabbit meat are low. A serving contains only 147 calories.Today the awareness that environmental resources are valuable is spreading. The process for raising beef places a burden on grain and water supplies. An environmentally friendly solution to losing resources to larger animal production is producing rabbit meat. The environmental impact from raising rabbits is low. The period from conception to harvesting maturity is only three months, and the amount of food they eat is minimal when compared to other animals. The USDA regulates the meat. Some antibiotics are used, but the animals are tested for residues. No hormones are administered.Versatile Culinary IngredientThe meat from a young rabbit is white and tender, with a mild flavor. A young rabbit, or a fryer, weighs between 1.5 and 3.5 lbs. and is about 3 months old. Chefs use the meat similarly to the meat of young chickens. Rabbit steaks and chops are served with pasta, rice and sauces. The meat from a mature rabbit is darker and firm, with a stronger flavor. A mature rabbit typically weighs more than 4 lbs. and is about 8 months old. The meat from older rabbits requires a longer cooking time and is generally used in ways similar to tougher cuts of beef. The meat adds protein to casseroles, meat pies and stir-fry dishes.Safe to EatThe USDA regulates rabbit meat with a grading system similar to that applied to poultry processing. The Food Safety and Inspection Service inspects and approves the rabbit meat. After the meat is approved, a grade is applied to it based on its texture and quality. The grades for rabbit meat, in descending order of quality, are grade A, grade B and grade C.I make all my own cages and have always done so. I've made hundreds over the last 40 years, and now they're second nature to me. I use all wire cages because they are self-cleaning and odor-free. Making a cage is very simple. Aside from a table or workbench to work on, you need: *.1" x 1" 14-gauge woven wire for most of the cage Hog rings also have many other uses, such as repairing hockey shin pads.

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Make Money by Maize Production

1. Soil Requirement: Maize will require sandy-loan or clay-loamy soil.
2. Land Preparation: This can be done manually or mechanically with the use of tractor which involves the 1st plough, 2nd plough and harrowing, ridge is often optional, but it is often recommended in an environment with sandy-loamy soil. The reason why mechanical land preparation is preferable is that this method helps in loosening the soil in order to allow for penetration of crop roots for easy uptake of water and nutrient and also as an indirect means of weeds control.
Come for: Youth Conference 2012 theme: EARLY ACHIEVER'S ANOINTING
ref. psalm 90:14
date: Thursday 7th - Sunday 10th June, 2012
venue: (former fabisco factory hall.) Youth Development Centre, kajola, Imo-Ilesa, Osun state, Nigeria. For Enquiry Call: 08033711510 or 08033605919 Ministering live Bishop Mike Bamidele. Other attractions: drama, dance, gospel song, joke's, riddles and poem. j.mp/Jlaws6
Host Victory Chapel International.
I thank you all........Youth Conference Ilesa June 7-10 will lead to bringing back to life the Victory Youth Chapel and new Victory Campus fellowships, end has come,Matt.24 or Isa.4. let join hands together to spread the gospel. Old exco and active support is needed to accomplish this vision or you have passion for youth salvation join us.
Mission.-Laying a solid foundation for your future.
-Academic success with ease.
-The glory of youth.
-Making right choices in life.
- How to discover and fulfil your destiny.
-Knowing and fulfilling your responsibility to your family.
-Developing a winning attitude.
-How to be an 'up' man in a 'down' world.
-Let no man despise your youth.
-Exploring the possibilities in the world of ICT.
-The youth and kingdom business. -The virtues in virginity.
-How to make it in a competitive world.
-God can save and use you, come has You're.
FirmFountain Investment General Merchandise, training & forex Trading register now http://j.mp/okyyK7
check this to see how to work online....http://j.mp/JyYo4W
Let Chat on profit sharing community website ....click here http://j.mp/Jlaws6
Register just here http://j.mp/yGl38B
3. Planting: There are different type of seed varieties: DMRV-whites Oba super1, Oba super2, Suwan1 etc. These can be source from IITA, IAR&T, or from any ADP office, premier seed and other reliable seed companies in Nigeria.
Seed Rate per hectare 10,000cm2 of land is 20-25kg. Before the seeds are planted they are to be dressed in order to protect against infection by pest and pathogens. Reliable dresser are apron star, dress force, aldrex T etc. There are to be used along side with monocrotophos in order to control destruction by birds and reptiles.eg. Monoforce planting can be done manually or mechanically at a distance of 75cmX25cm, take approximately 53,500 stands.
4. Weed Control: There are two options to weed control, firstly in areas where perennial and annual weeds are found, it is often recommended that systemic herbicide be used before land preparations i.e. Glyphosate such as uproot, Glycel, force-up, touch down, sarosate etc. At the rate of 3-5litres/ha to be diluted in 200 to 600 litres of water. This is followed by land preparation and planting with the application of pre-emergence (soil applied) herbicide eg. Atrazine, primextra, dual etc. At the rate of 3.4litre/ha immediately after planting or not later than 3days after planting. Secondly after land preparation in an environment with broad leaved annual weeds.eg. Akintola use paraquat eg. Gramoxone, Agrozone, weed-off, paraforce etc. Can be used at the rate of 3-4litre/ha. Atrazine 3litre/ha or Primestra 3-4litre/ha applied immediately and not later than 3days after planting.
5. Fertilizer Application: 1st dose application is done 2weeks after planting at the rate of 4bags N.P.K/ha followed by 2nd dose of urea at the rate of 3bags/ha six weeks after planting.Wait for harvest and let there be farm boundary 1metre to the bush.

Monday, 28 May 2012

Stay Healthy Always......H2O2


Saturday, 26 May 2012

The end has COME Matthew 24:30-36

"PLZ COPY AND PASTE, SPREAD THIS INFO... Click here for details http://m.facebook.com/alex.bundy.18?m_sess=zuQ2s-gI0uTwnuNASA defines the occurrence of 4 consecutive Total Lunar Eclipses as a TETRAD, during this the MOON turns into a BLOOD RED color. Major historical events occur when TETRADS happen on JEWISH HOLY DAYS, in this century this extremly rare event will happen 1 time in 2014-2015. HOLY BIBLE-GENESIS 1:14-15 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so. (KING JAMES VERSION) PASSOVER is the 1st of the 7 feasts of ISRAEL, Holy Bible LEVITICUS 23:4-5 These are the feasts of the LORD, even holy convocations, which ye shall proclaim in their seasons. In the fourteenth day of the first month at even is the LORD's passover. (KJV) FEAST OF TABERNACLES is the 7th feast, feast is meaning a APPOINTED TIME. Holy Bible NUMBERS 29:12 And on the fifteenth day of the seventh month ye shall have an holy convocation; ye shall do no servile work, and ye shall keep a feast unto the LORD seven days: (KJV) The number 7 is the BIBLICAL number of PERFECTION or COMPLETION. Barry Soetoro aka Barack Hussein Obama became our first muslim president, the next day on Nov 5th, 2008 in his representative state of Illinois the lotto numbers for the pick 3 came out 6-6-6 which can mean anti-christ, mark of the beast, false prophet and the unholy trinity of satan, along with this the pick 4 number click here for details http://m.facebook.com/alex.bundy.18?m_sess=zuQ2s-gI0uTwnu for that day 7-7-7-9 three 7's means perfect completion and 9 means judgment... 7 years later will be 2015. Only 1 Total Solar Eclipse occured each year for the years 2008-2010 and fell on Aug 2, 2008/ July 22, 2009/July 12, 2010 however on the biblical calendar they all fell on the same day, the 1st of AV. After the first eclipse on Sep 29, 2008 which is Tishrei 1 in the HEBREW CALENDAR and also the HOLY DAY of the FEAST OF TRUMPETS the Dow fell a RECORD 777.7 points... if you add our gregorian calender year 2008 and add the JEWISH CALENDAR YEAR of 5769 it adds up to 7777... 7 years later we will have a SOLAR ECLIPSE on the FEAST OF TRUMPETS. A HOLY TETRADE occured in 32-33 A.D., BLOOD MOONS on PASSOVER Apr 14, 32 A.D.-FEAST OF TABERNACLES Oct 7, 32 A.D.- PASSOVER Apr 3, 33 A.D. this is the day JESUS CHRIST DIED FOR OUR SINS- the 4th eclipse fell on FEAST OF TABNACLES Sep 27, 33 A.D. JESUS SAID in MARK 13:24-28 But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, And the stars of heaven shall fall, and the powers that are in heaven shall be shaken. And then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds with great power and glory. And then shall he send his angels, and shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from the uttermost part of the earth to the uttermost part of heaven. Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When her branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is near: (KJV) WW2 and the HOLOCAUST ended in 1945 the STATE OF ISRAEL IS REBORN on May 14, 1948 after about 2000 years. HOLY BIBLE AMOS 9:14-15 And I will bring again the captivity of my people of Israel, and they shall build the waste cities, and inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, and drink the wine thereof; they shall also make gardens, and eat the fruit of them. And I will plant them upon their land, and they shall no more be pulled up out of their land which I have given them, saith the LORD thy God. (KJV) this was written about 750 B.C. and fullfilled 1948. A HOLY TETRAD followed the fulfillment of this prophecy on PASSOVER Apr 13, 1949- FEAST OF TABERNACLES Oct 7, 1949- PASSOVER Apr 2, 1950- FEAST OF TABERNACLES Sep 26, 1950. JESUS SAID in LUKE 21:25-28 "And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh. (KJV) Another HOLY TETRAD happened" on A Coffee Break with God. See what i know Biblical References to the Rapture: Matthew 24:30-36"At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory. And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other. (NIV)Matthew 24:40-41Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left.(NIV)John 14:1-3Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.(NIV)Acts 1:9-11After he said this, he was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight.They were looking intently up into the sky as he was going, when suddenly two men dressed in white stood beside them. "Men of Galilee," they said, "why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven." (NIV)1 Corinthians 15:51-52Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed— in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. Brief History of the Rapture *.The term "Rapture" first became popular in the United States toward the end of the 19th century through the teachings on premillennialism and dipensationalism by John Nelson Darby, an Irish evangelist. The rapture theory continued to grow in popularity among evangelicals largely due to a preacher named William Eugene Blackstone (1841-1935). *.The term "Rapture" first became popular in the United States toward the end of the 19th century through the teachings on premillennialism and dipensationalism by John Nelson Darby, an Irish evangelist. The rapture theory continued to grow in popularity among evangelicals largely due to a preacher named William Eugene Blackstone (1841-1935). His book,Jesus is Coming, sold more than one million copies. *.In the late 1960's and 1970's, during theJesus Movement, the Rapture theory made its way into many popular secular songs such asAre You Ready?by Pacific Gas & Electric andIn The Year 2525by Zager and Evans. Roman Catholicsdo not accept a Rapture theory. They believe the concept to be a confused understanding ofthe Second Coming of Christ. *.Eastern Orthodox also reject the Rapture theory. From the beginning it has never been taught by any of their bishops. May help us to be rapture able. Search for 666 implementation in USA.

Friday, 25 May 2012


But by the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain; but I laboured more abundantly than them all.... ICor. 15:10.
Spiritual labour is any effort or endeavour made through the development of one's spiritual labour is any effort or endeavour made through the develop made through the development of one's spiritual abilities and God-given grace in order to make positive impact on someone's spiritual life or effect the advancement of God's kingdom. Every beliver in called to labour spiritual, since he is saved to serve God's purpose for his life.
Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast... Always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as... Your labour is not in vain in the Lord. ICor. 15:58
....That we being delivered... Might serve him... Luke1:74.
Spiritual labour consists of the following:
1. Preaching and teaching. ITim.5:17
2. Edifying and perfecting the saints. Eph.4:11-12:Col.1:28
3. Travailing in Praying and intercession. Col.4:12
4. Soul winning: John4:35,36: Mat.9:37,38
5. Assisting, caring for and helping servants of God. Rom.16:3,6. Firm Fountain Investment • General Merchandise, training & forex Trading register now http://j.mp/okyyK7
check this to see how to work online.... http://j.mp/JyYo4W
Let Chat on profit sharing community website ....click here http://j.mp/Jlaws6
Register just here http://j.mp/yGl38B

Friday, 18 May 2012


Some reasons why you must say no to sex before marriage which I have broken before. The bible
gives us the warning; avoid immorality, sin a man commits does not
affect his body; but the man who is guilty of sexual immorality sin
against his own body. 1 Cor. 6:18
Let check another version for you to know that it is a serious matter.
Fled fornication, every sin that a man doeth is without the body;
but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body. Kjv
Now let's see the few reasons: *Because God says no to sex before
marriage, "Thou shall not commit adultery" Also your body is the
temple of the God.
*Another reason is danger of been infected by sexually transmitted
disease/infection {STD/STI}
*And you will save yourself from shame sadness, sorrow and guilty conscience.
*It may hinder you not to marry the right person that God has chosen for you.
*Say no to sex before marriage to avoid an unwanted body. May be you
are a student, immediately you have an unprepared baby, it will stop
your education. It can allow your mates to pass by you.
*Another wonderful reason to say no to premarital sex [sex before
marriage] it will make you lord your virginity. Though you are single,
but you will become second hand model (tokuobo) because another person
has disvirgin you before your marriage.
Watch out 4!....... the way out if you fall victim........
Another thing that can break relationship and can destroy family and friendship:
It can result to:
-Untimely pregnancies which can lead to abortion, it can damage the part of the body.
-It can result to sickness cause by (STD/STI) e.g HIV/AIDS
-It can cause long time sickness
-It can make someone not to have intrest in sex again in life, if the person is abuse (sexual abuse)
In additional it can cause broken courtship and broken home.
Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion walleth about, seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8)
SIN IS TAKING THE DEVIL AS YOUR ADVISER and GOD WILL BECOME YOUR ADVERSARY. THE WAY OUT 4 Those that are victim...............Repent from your sin, Repent Ye therefore and be converted, that your sins be blotted out, when the time of refreshing shall comes from the presence of the Lord. Act 3:19

Live a Holy Life
But as he which hath called you is Holy, so be Ye Holy in all manner of conversation, because it is written, be Ye Holy, for I am Holy. 1 Peter 1:15-16
Be prayerful Pray without ceasing. 1 thessalonian 5:17
Be strong in the Lord.
Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his mighty. Ephesians 6:10
Resist the devil.
Submit yourself therefore to God. Resist the devil, he shall flee. James 4:7
Use the name of Jesus.
Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given a name which is above every name:That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; Philippians 2:9-10
Be filled with the spirit of God
And be not drunk with wine, where is in excess but be filled with the Spirit; Ephesian 5:18
If the son therefore shall make you free, Ye shall be free indeed. John 8:36
Pay day For God shall bring every work into judgement whether it be good, or whether it be evil. Ecclesiastes 12:13-14
Never forget to tell your new partner your PAST. If hidden it may jump back at you and destroy the relationship.
And also
How do I assess my risk to H.I.V
1. Have I had more than one sexual partner without using a condom?
2. Have I had a sexual partner who has or has had other sexual partner?
3. Have I had sex with anyone who has tested positive for HIV without using a condom?
4. Have I had sex with anyone without using a condom whose part sexual behaviour I don't know?
5. Have I had sex without using a condom?
6. Have I had one or more sexually transmitted infections (s.t.i)ie. Discharge, sores or itching on my genitals.?
7. I did not go to the clinic for the proper treatment of s.t.i.?
8. Have I or any of my sexual partners had blood transfusion?
9. Have I had injections or recieved incisions from traditional healers, untrained health personnel or local injectors?
10. Have I shared any skin piercing instruments with others like blade, needle, clipper?
11. Do I handle injured body fluids, including blood without using universal precautions like hand gloves?If yes to this questions then you're @ risk of been infected, the higher your yes the higher your risk.
Don't panic! Go for Voluntary Counselling and Testing @ LIVING HOPE CARE or hospital. Result will be between you and your counsellor, it confidencial.........It's better you know you status alone with your counsellor, and stay alive than to be on sick bed and every body will know your sickness and you'll be stigmatis. I have done my test o.

Sunday, 13 May 2012


There was a huge banyan tree standing on the outer boundaries of a village. All kinds of birds had their homes in this tree. Even the travellers would come and relax under its cool shade during the hot summer days.Once, a fowler came to take a rest there. He also had a huge net with him. He set his net under the tree and strewed some grains of rice to lure the birds. A crow living in the tree saw it and cautioned his friends not to go down to eat the rice.But at the same moment, a flock of doves came flying over the banyan tree. They saw grains of rice strewn around and without losing a moment, descended on the ground to eat the grains of rice. As soon as they started eating the rice, a huge net fell over them and they were all trapped. They tried everything to come out of the net, but in vain. They saw the fowler coming towards them. He was very happy to find a large number of doves trapped inside the net.However, the king of doves was very intelligent and clever. He said to other doves, "We must do something immediately to free ourselves from the clutches of this fowler. I've an idea. We should all fly up together clutching the net in our beaks. We will decide our next course of action later. Now, come on friends, let's fly."So each dove picked up a part of the huge net in his beak and they all flew up together. Seeing the birds flying along with the whole net, the fowler was surprised. He could never imagine this. He ran after the flying birds, shouting madly, but could not catch them. Soon the birds flew out of his sight.When the king dove saw that the fowler had given up the chase, he said to his friends, "Now we all have to get out of this net. There lives a mouse on the nearby hillock. He is my friend. Let's go to him for his help."All the doves flew on to meet the mouse. When the mouse heard the doves making noise in front of his hole, he got frightened and hid himself deeper into the hole. He came out only when he heard the king dove saying, "Friend, it's 1, the king dove. We're in great difficulty. Please come out and help us."Hearing the dove, his friend's voice, the mouse came out of his hole and saw the king dove and his friends trapped in the net."Oh!", said the mouse, "Who's done all this to you?"The king dove narrated the whole story. The mouse immediately started nibbling at the net around the king dove. The king dove said, "No, my friend. First set my followers free. A king cannot keep his subjects in pain and enjoy the freedom for himself."The mouse praised the king dove for his nobleness and nibbled at the portion of the net, which would set free the other doves first. And only at last, he freed the king dove.All the doves were very grateful to the mouse. They thanked the mouse and then flew to their destinations.
You can join the youth of integrity on http://topforeal.motribe.mobi/ ..........
See Firm Fountain Investment, financial experts with programs intended for people willing to achieve their dreams http://j.mp/okyyK7 buy or sell e-currency.click==>to see profit sharing community site http://www.wazzub.com/profiles/123618

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Youth of Integrity new community website

Post status, put blog on vocation, and positive living, chat, make friends....... The best performance improvement is the transition from the nonworking state to the working state. Ousterhout, John...... click this new community site www.topforeal.Motribe.com IN Life Search for meaning, eat, sleep. Search for meaning, eat, sleep. Die, search for meaning, search for meaning, search for meaning. Horton, Doug Things will get better -- despite our efforts to improve them.
Join the youth with integrity you will see blog and you can blog any type of work there.
Click www.topforeal.motribe.com Baudrillard, Jean. Remember, a dead fish can float downstream, but it takes a live one to swim upstream. Fields, W. C. Search for meaning, eat, sleep. Search for meaning, eat, sleep. Die, search for meaning, search for meaning, search for meaning. In these matters the only certainty is that there is nothing certain. Pliny The Elder. There are only two things you HAVE TO do in life. You HAVE TO die. You HAVE TO live until you die. You make up all the rest.

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