
Monday, 4 June 2012

Making Money by Rearing Grass Cutter http://twitpic.com/7e73gq

Grasscutter contributes to both the local and export earnings of most countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. Click here Send https://onlinenaira.com?rid=Topforeal money to your account from the internet. At the local market level, for example, approximately 73 tons of grasscutter meat representing more than 15, 000 animals can be sold in a year. According to recent survey, the grasscutter continues to dominate the bush meat trade. However, international trade as well as regional and continental interests in the grasscutter meat provides economic bases for the development of the grasscutter industry. The industry will be greatly enhanced through the establishment of breeding centres to provide stocks for farmers and other growers who will multiply its’ production and also provide additional source of income, desperately required in the quest to help the rural poor to meet their basic necessities and sustain their food security. Detailed information on the health and diseases of these rodents are reported here. Some of the disease agents include species of gastrointestinal helminthes (nematodes, trematodes, cestodes and acanthocephala) and haemoparasites. REPRODUCTION AND BREEDING.
A male and female grass cutters attains their sexual maturity at 5 and 7months respectively. A male grass cutter can be paired with 3-5females.There are two methods of mating -permanent and controlled mating Let Chat on profit sharing community website ....click here http://j.mp/Jlaws6 mammary are glands on the belly, while the male testes are not visibleexternally like other rodents.The total body length (head to end tail) ranged from 35 to 60cm and its taillength ranges from 7 cm to 25cm. MEAT QUALITIES AND USES
The meat qualities of the grass cutter compare favorably with those ofdomesticated livestock species. Mature live weight ranges from 5 to 8kg. Ithas an average dressing percentage of 65%. However with the consumption ofthe head an entrails this can reach 80%.
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Grass cutter are robust animals with short tails, small ears and stocky body. The body is covered by spiny fur and round nose. Therefore pairs are adapted for holding and manipulating grass stalk or food while eating them. The spiny fur is yellowish brown while the belly is white.
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System of Production
Deeplitter system.
The Cage system (60cmX60cmX80cm)metal.
The Pen System.
Feed and Feeding
GRASSES-elephant grass, guinea grass, sorghum grass, sugar cane
LEGUME-beans, soya beans, pigeon pea.
TUBER-cassava, potatoes.
GRAINS-maize, rice.
FRUITS-pawpaw, mango, pineapple
Compound ration can be given to them grower mash in pellet form.
SOCIO-ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE:In Ghana it has been ascertained that grass cutter contributes to both localand export earnings. About 73 tonnes of animals are sold in a year andrecent surveys show that is is the Grass cutter that dominates the bush meattrade. skye bank officials on Twitpic Whatever be the choice of grass cutter farming embarked upon by farmer(breeding or fattening), provision of quality and adequate nutrition isessential to the success of each grass cutter rearing. Balanced feeding thattakes into consideration nutritional requirements and regularity of feeding
Balanced feed can be found in a proportional mixture of the following feedingredients that are used in preparing the supplementary feed. Examples offeed ingredients include:.Maize/millet------------------ cassava.Brewers dried grain (BDG)-----Leucaena leucocephala .Groundnut cake(GNC)-----------Vitamin -mineral premixDISEASE MANAGEMENT.As said earlier, good hygiene practice reduces the risk of disease outbreakin grass cutters rearing. The most important disease in grass cutter rearinginclude the following: 1.ENTEROTOXAEMIA: This is caused by a bacterium clostridium perfringens. Theorganism produces toxins which are absorbed into the circulatory system ofthe grass cutters thereby causing moralities.The most obvious sign seen is the paralysis/ pedaling of the hind legs.Other signs are seen during post mortern. vaccine against this condition is available. Antibiotics (Ciprofloxacin, Enrofloxacin) are used in thetreatment. It is useful to sprinkle some superphosphate on pen floorbi-monthly to break the development circle of clostridia orgamisms.
2.STAPHYLOCOCCAEMIA:-This is caused by a bacterium, staphylococcus Aurelius.Most of the signs of this disease are seen at post mortem but dischargesfrom the nostrils and vagina could be seen. Antibiotics are also employed inits treatment.3.COCCIDIOSIS:This is caused by organism of the Eimeria family. Symptoms ofthe disease include diarrhea, prostration e.t.c family are used in its treatment.4.WORM INFECTION:-This is caused by worms and can be gotten from the canegrass being fed to the grass cutter. This is why the cane grass must be putin the sum before being fed to the grass cutters in order for the larvae ofthe worms to destroyed. Regular deworming should be carried out.in the sum before being fed to the grass cutters in order for the larvae ofthe worms to destroyed. Regular deworming should be carried out.
5.ECTOPARASTES: e.g ticks. These could be introduced into the pens throughinadequately dried forage. Administration of Ivomec is used to controlticks. Chemical bath/dipping of the grass cutters could also be useful.


What is Character? Character is the sum total of personal traits possessed by an individual that makes him what he is. It reference to moral qualities, ethical standard and principle which govern a person's conduct and cause him to choose one course of action over another.
Some common character traits include discipline or self control, disobedience etc. Can you name some character traits you know?
Can you identify some of the character traits in your life?
A. There some character trait that God hate, Prov. 6:16-19.
Can you list them?
See also Prov. 8:13, Rev. 21:13, Psalm 78:6-9
B. What are the character traits that God requires of Christians? Duet. 10:12-13, Micah 6:8, James 3:12-18
C. What are the character traits that God expect from:
1. A Minister 2. Aged Man 3. Aged Women 4. Young Women 5. Young Men 6. Civil Servants, Workers, Employees. Open Titus 2:1-9, ITim. 5:1-10, 6:1-2. 7. Rich Men. ITim. 6:17-19 8. Children Eph 6:1-3
D. What are the characters trait will be common in there end time? IITim. 3:1-8, 13
1. Putting on Godly character is a commandment of God. Col. 3:10 some Christians believe that once they are saved through their confession of faith in Christ, their character does not matter. This is wrong. God commands us to put on the new character after conversion. Titus 2:11-15, 2:7-8, James 2:17-24.
2. Godly Character Protects Christian from Danger and Difficulties. Gal. 5:22-23, II Peter1:10.
3. Godly character guarantees fruitfulness. Read II Peter 1:5-10
4. Christian are Left on Earth by God so that they can Demonstrate God's Character. IPeter 2:9. The original translation of praise of Him' means character or beauty of Him. Col. 3:12

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