
Saturday, 3 March 2018

Fashion Island Newport Beach

The Fashion Island, located at the Newport Center
in Newport Beach is the ideal place to go if you
like adventure and shopping.  Proving to be one
of the premiere establishments in Newport Beach,
Fashion Island is one place you simply must go if
you crave a fun and exciting time during your trip
here or your stay here.

Centrally located between Los Angeles and San Diego,
stopping here won't put you out of your way.  Offering
shopping, beaches, theme parks, museums, parks and
other events, this is an absolute treasure.  On
Fashion Island itself, there are more than 1,300 hotel
rooms within the Newport Center.

On Fashion Island kids love the carousel.  The carousel
is a custom made Venetian-themed ride with 32 antique
horses and other animals, perfect for riders of nearly
any age.  With animals such as the rabbit, tiger, bear
and fish, the carousel is a must see for anyone who
enjoys theme parks and amusement rides.

For younger children, Fashion Island offers the whimsical
Kiddie Train.  For younger children of the area, the
train has become a tradition.   If you are visiting here,
you can find the train between Bloomingdale's and Marcus.

On the island, two of the most signature elements are
the splashing fountains and the well known sparkling koi
pond.  Located adjacent to Macy's, you'll find the Pop
Jet, and near Island Terrace you'll find the also well
known Iris Fountain.  Both were created in 1989 and
custom made for Fashion Island.  The koi pond was also
custom made in 1968 and holds 15,000 gallons.

The entire area of Fashion Island is surrounded by top
class hotels, including the Hotel Newport Beach.  Minutes
away from the island is the Orange County airport and
several beaches.  During the summer, the sandy beaches
provide the ultimate relaxation from a day of shopping
and fun on Fashion Island.

Throughout the year, there are many events as well.  With
summer concerts, a project playhouse, and seasonal
activities for the children, Fashion Island proves to be
more than just shopping.

On the shopping side of things, as the name implies, you'll
find hundreds of shopping stores and several fine restaurants
to dine in here.  Fashion Island on Newport Beach is the
place to be for anyone visiting the area looking to see
the best in shopping and entertainment.

If you're looking to visit Newport Beach, make sure you pay
Fashion Island a visit.  You can find almost anything to
buy here along with plenty of activities to keep the kids
happy as well.  A visit to Newport Beach isn't complete
without stopping here - making Fashion Island a very
important part of the entire beach experience.

Returning to the Simple Joys of Home and Hobby

In the past decades, many mothers have made the decision to pursue careers, but that trend seems to be changing.  Home and hobby are calling to these women, who are willing to make financial and personal sacrifices in order to be the primary caregivers for their small children.  Many women have returned to being keepers at home, and hobby skills can help them meet the financial challenges of being a one income family.

One hobby that helps the mother at home is cooking.  Though it could be considered work, cooking and baking are fascinating hobbies.  One can explore the cuisine of different countries or learn to create gourmet treats.  Baking can yield wholesome whole grain products that nourish the family for a fraction of the cost of loaves bought at the store.

Another home and hobby skill that comes in handy is sewing on a sewing machine.  Many homemakers are producing quilts that are works of art.  These beautiful offerings can be made inexpensively by recycling unwanted fabrics into squares and other shapes and artistically arranging the pieces.  Other sewing skills that are useful for the stay-at-home-mom are mending, altering, and creating clothing.  When polled about favorite pastimes, women often rank sewing at the top.

Some moms and their husbands actively work on remodeling their home, and hobby carpentry skills come in handy.  One income families hold down the cost of living by learning to "do it yourself," a term that is used so much it has been shortened into "diy."  The Internet has made it possible to find information on making all sorts of repairs and renovations to homes, furnishings and other belongings.

Gardening is a hobby that not only gets the participant close to nature, but also can put high quality produce on the family table.  Some families are even investing in hobby greenhouses or growing enough extra to sell a bit each week at farmers' markets.  A good practical hobby like growing a garden gives a person a sense of accomplishment when they realize their efforts have created something useful and profitable.

The homemaking parent that has a sense of art can inexpensively create harmony and beauty around the house, raising everyone's standard of living. It doesn't have to involve spending any money.  Perhaps she can arrange dried wild flowers beautifully or create simple hand-lettered wall mottoes that lift everyone's spirits.

Yes, home and hobby call to the women of today, suggesting a simpler way of life closer to those people and things that matter most.  While the career women are truly making an important impact on today's world, the quiet return of many to home and hobby may result in more impact than any of us realizes.

Developmental after school programs

As a child grows into an adult, different aspects of his physical,
emotional and mental self needs development. To help a child reach his
full potential, it is necessary to recognize the child's developmental
needs and abilities. To be effective, after school programs should assist
children with tasks they must accomplish during each stage of development.

A child's growth curve can be divided into three main parts:
1) Young child (ages 3-5)
2) Middle school (ages 6-8)
3) Older school (ages 9-12)

The four important domains of development are: The Physical Domain, the
Social Domain, the Emotional Domain and the Intellectual Domain. Each of
these domains needs to be separately addressed during the various phases
of a child's growth. After school programs should concentrate on
developing each domain as applicable to the age of the child. Although the
children participating in these programs may have similar developmental
needs and age, do not expect development to be uniform. Children will
develop as and when they are ready.

Physical Domain:
When children are young, they want to perfect skills that they have just
learnt to control. A variety of movements such as jumping, catching and
throwing delight them. The middle school child, on the other hand, wants
to learn more complex skills and get involved in team sports. This is also
the best time to learn about rules and discipline in sport. The older
school child is ready for more adult-like activities that need greater
structure and discipline, like dancing, gymnastics, music classes etc.

Social Domain:
Young children are observing others and will be interested in games where
they play the roles of family members. They develop short-term friendships
and need an adult's presence to assure them. The middle school child is
intrigued by society and will love trips to factories, public buildings
etc. They want to know the 'how' and 'why' of things. The older school
child is ready to learn about different cultures, food and customs. They
want to do some amount of social work too.

Intellectual Domain:
Young school children will practice what they are learning. Middle school
children want to learn more skills and will show interest in reading,
drama and problem solving. The older school children are ready to research
and probe. They enjoy getting a puzzle and pondering over it.

Any after school program needs to address the interests of the child depending
on the category he belongs to. Knowing the children in your program and
appreciating their needs and interests will help staff to plan and
structure programs that are most useful to that group.

Family Holidays: Tips for Peace and Harmony

What do you like to do on family holidays?  Go to the beach or spend a week in the country?  Maybe you like camping or visiting relatives.  Whatever you enjoy, family holidays are a chance for everyone in the family to get reacquainted and spend quality time together.  It's a chance for parents to really talk with their teens and find out what's going on in their lives.  It's important to keep the communication lines open, and a family holiday is a good time to do that.  Having a good relationship with their parents is one of the most important factors in keeping teens out of trouble.

Studies have shown that when families take holidays together, they are more likely to eat together and are less likely to argue.  They do not watch as much television because they are involved in doing things together.  Kids even report that their parents seem to act differently while on holiday.

While family holidays are a good time to connect with your kids, communication problems that are already there will not automatically disappear.  Especially with teenagers it is important to listen and be flexible.  Find out what the kids would like to do and eat and plan accordingly.  While even teenagers need boundaries, it is important for parents to try to avoid needless confrontation.  Explain why you make the decisions you do and show them positive attention.

Kids will appreciate being included in travel plans.  There's a good chance they will choose a theme park or the beach if those are among the options.  Sometimes it works well for a teenager to take a special friend along on family holidays.  While this might increase the parents' load, the teen is likely to really appreciate it.  Also, sometimes it works well for kids to go on holidays with their grandparents instead of their parents.  Sometimes there is a special relationship here that can help kids open up and communicate about their concerns.

While on family holidays, if teens are uncooperative or behave improperly, try to deal with the problem in private.  Teens are very aware of embarrassmant and it is needlessly mean to exploit this sensitivity.  In fact, you might explain to the kids how their behavior embarrasses you, and they in turn might work harder at getting along and acting appropriately.

Kids will be happier on family vacations if they have snacks, drinks, and entertainment.  Few kids enjoy a long ride in the car!  Try to provide individual CD players or hand-held video games, and don't forget to take plenty of bathroom stops.  Sometimes kids enjoy the ride more if they can help you follow the map.  This is an educational activity for them as well.  By following these suggestions, your family holidays can make a happy memory.

Hot Weather Fun: Summer Crafts for Kids

When boredom looms and the weather's hot, get everyone involved in summer crafts for kids.  Kids are always excited to be free from the school routine when they are let out for summer break, but it isn't long until they start wondering what to do.  Summer crafts for kids will keep them occupied and maybe even teach them a thing or two.

In summer, crafts for kids can involve found objects, like seed pods, grasses, and similar objects.  Let kids create nature collection collages by gluing these items to a stiff piece of cardboard.   Help them spray paint some of the findings with silver or gold paint.  Alternatively, they might like to glue glitter to some of the findings.  Perhaps they would also enjoy collecting wild flower seed heads and creating dried flower arrangements.   Arrange the bouquet in a homemade vase.

A vase for summer bouquets, fresh or dried, is another craft that naturally fits into the summer crafts for kids category.  A simple vase can be made from a tin can.  Soup cans work particularly well because they are smooth on the outside and rather narrow.  Be sure to file off any sharp spurs on the inside opening.  Start the work of art by cutting a piece of construction paper or other colored paper to fit around the sides of the can.  This will be glued to the outside of the can, but first it needs to be decorated.

The vase cover can be decorated in many ways.  The child can draw a summer scene on the paper and then decorate it with glued on glitter or small stickers of summer things.  Another idea is for the child to write their name in large letters, and glue beans, seeds, or glitter to the letters.  Let all glue dry before attaching the paper to the outside of the can.  Add water and fresh flowers or leave dry for dry flowers.

You can also use the can for a trinket container or a place to put pens, pencils, and markers.  To make them real summer crafts for kids, glue grass seed heads and found seed pods to the paper in a decorative way.

Jar vases make good summer crafts for kids, too.  Canning jars make particularly cute vases, but any cast off mayonnaise, pickle, or other jar, even plastic ones, can work, too.  To make a jar into a vase it first needs to be sparkling clean.  Kids love getting wet in the summer, so let them roll up their sleeves (or put on a bathing suit!) and have fun splashing at the sink while "washing dishes."  When the jar is clean and dry, tie an attractive ribbon around the opening.  If desired, decorate the outside of the jar with glued on beads and buttons.

Summer crafts for kids will provide some cute decorations around the home and keep the kids from being bored.  This summer, crafts for kids should be at the top of every parent's To Do list!

Recreational after school programs

After school programs can be divided into 3 broad categories: academic,
recreational and social. Balanced development takes place when there is
compatibility between the physical, mental as well as the educational
achievements of the child.As the name suggests recreational after school
programs are based on a sport or recreation. Some of the more common
physical activities include football, swimming and basketball.Some clubs
offer programs like gymnastics, trekking and hiking. In this case,
youngsters are often given a short class in first-aid class also.

Recreational after school programs offer children an opportunity to let
off some steam and to destress themselves. The closed classroom atmosphere
and a day full of textbooks and writing cause the child to repress his
natural enthusiasm. He curbs his energy when he is required to sit quietly
in class and learn. Physical activity is an all-time low during such
times. This physical lethargy and inaction is countermanded by
recreational activities. Growing concerns of obesity and child diabetes
make it necessary for children to indulge in some strenuous exercises that
will allow them to work up some sweat.

Unlike educational programs, recreational programs do not tax the
mental processes. But, they do aid the learning process by making the
child more active. A child who is physically active is mentally fit, and
is able to focus his thoughts on the work at hand. Additionally,
recreational programs teach discipline, mechanics of teamwork and fair
play. These are important lessons in the growing process.

As more and more nuclear families emerge, the child faces greater
isolation. Many children shuttle between their classroom and their
bedrooms and do not have any meaningful relationships outside these.
Recreational programs offer ample avenues for socialization. This is a
place the child can go to and play even when his neighbor is not the most
welcoming. The Boy / Girl Scout programs are excellent recreational after
school programs. Lately, survival classes and camps have devised to
combine important survival skills with sports and games to educate
children on how to handle emergencies.

Like any good after school program, recreational programs are designed to
give children a safe area where they can indulge in some group activities
that interest them. This is one of the most effective ways to keep kids
out of the streets and out of trouble. But, one has to be careful when
enrolling children for recreational classes. The age of the child, his
temperament and his physical caliber has to be taken into account before
you choose the right program for your child.

Major garage transformation

One of the most commonly encountered questions when
thinking about converting your garage for a new use is
the warmth of the floor. Whether you are choosing to convert
your garage into a spacious home office or to convert it into a
gym room, you have to take into consideration some
improvements for your floor.

Since the garage has a concrete and uninsulated floor you
should focus on making it warmer and more resilient. Furring
up the floor with wood and plywood can accomplish both
tasks. As a warning, you should use pressure-treated wood or protect
the wood which is in contact with the concrete by placing a
layer of felt paper between the wood and the concrete.

First of all measure and determine how much you want to raise the
floor. All garage floors have some amount of slope from the
back wall to the wall with the garage door in it to allow the
water runoff. To achieve a level floor you will have to adjust
the joists, for this if you are placing the joists perpendicular to
the slope in the floor each of them would have to be ripped
down or shimmed up and if the joists are parallel to the slope,
you can rip them on a taper or use shims to level them.

Ok, you finished remodeling the floors, now it’s time to
examine your walls. You might be surprised to find out that
your walls are not even with the foundation they sit on. They
may be set back from the foundation or maybe overhang it in
other areas. Only one step will solve these problems: selecting
a lumber size that is deep enough to extend the framing past the
concrete. By notching each end of the furring strip and
attaching one strip to the face of each wall stud will result in an
even wall that completely hides the foundation. Also it will be
deep enough for the R-21 wall insulation, this type of
insulation being the most common code requirement.

When remodeling the walls and the floor several obstructions
may appear. Obstructions like pipes, ducts, wires and other
impediments to smooth walls may exist. For small obstructions
such as wires or small pipes you could adjust the furring strips
enough to accommodate them. The solution for larger
obstructions is to box around them. If the obstruction is a water
heater or something that you will need access to, you can frame
it in and enclose it on three sides and then provide a removable
access panel for the fourth side.

A building permit may be required for a garage make over.
Of course all the methods presented here are purely theoretical
and only for guidance. All garages are different and some
adjustments to the used methods or materials may be required
in order to accommodate to your garage.

How Important is Your Buyer's Reputation?

Your reputation as a buyer (or 'feedback rating') is the most important thing people see when they deal with you on eBay. It is o...