
Wednesday, 7 March 2012

The Good Shepherd! Who is he.

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The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. Ps.23:1 I am the good shepherd, the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep. John10:11.
One of the name by which God is called 'shepherd'. This is because He as the father of all Creation and especially mankind, cares for, protects, comforts, defends and provides for his Creatures. Ps.23:2-6.
As the 'Good Shepherd' He is absolutely interested in and concerned about our entire well-being. This has to be so because God knows that we His children stand the risk of death and destruction in the hands of satan, his cohorts and wicked and unreasonable men in this sinful, concept and wicked world. That's why as our 'Good Shepherd' He tends, defends and sustains us.
To therefore have God as your 'Good Shepherd'.
1. Become His sheep through submitting to and following His instinctions. Js4:7.
2. Separate yourself from the 'goats' - The rebellious, disobedient people of the world. Matthew25:32-33
3. Join a sheepfold the flock of God, a Bible believing, spirit-filled Church. John 10:16 Act20:28 http://multiplyfund.com/ref.php?page=act/ref&invcod=1501
5. Listen to His voice and obey His commands. John10:3-5,27-28. MAY GOD EVER BE YOUR SHEPHERD. For prayer call 08033605041 or 08033605919
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