God is the God of abundance. All He does and gives are usually in abundance. "Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think...." Eph. 3:20.
To access God-given abundance one major key to operate by is SACRIFICE.
Sacrifice is giving up something, denying one self of legitimate rights or privileges or going the extra mile in order to please God or blessing to mankind.
Example of sacrifice include the following.
1. Abraham sacrifice Isaac. Gen. 22:10-18
2. Joseph sacrifices sinful sexual pleasure. Gen. 39:7-12.
3. Moses sacrificed his right to Pharaoh's throne and chose rather to identify with suffering Jews. Heb. 11:24-26.
4. Solomon sacrificed to God a thousand burnt offerings. Luke 3:3-4.
6. Paul the Apostle, sacrificed his secular and religious status to fulfill his ministry. Phil. 3:4-11
7. Jesus our perfect example of sacrifice, have His all to please His Father and save humanity. Phil 2:5-11
In all above instance of sacrifice the resultant effect was abundance. To therefore experience abundance, live a life of sacrifice.
"They that sow in tears shall reap in joy" Psalm 126:5 ".....except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone, but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit" John 12:24.
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