
Wednesday, 7 March 2012

The Good Shepherd! Who is he.

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The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. Ps.23:1 I am the good shepherd, the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep. John10:11.
One of the name by which God is called 'shepherd'. This is because He as the father of all Creation and especially mankind, cares for, protects, comforts, defends and provides for his Creatures. Ps.23:2-6.
As the 'Good Shepherd' He is absolutely interested in and concerned about our entire well-being. This has to be so because God knows that we His children stand the risk of death and destruction in the hands of satan, his cohorts and wicked and unreasonable men in this sinful, concept and wicked world. That's why as our 'Good Shepherd' He tends, defends and sustains us.
To therefore have God as your 'Good Shepherd'.
1. Become His sheep through submitting to and following His instinctions. Js4:7.
2. Separate yourself from the 'goats' - The rebellious, disobedient people of the world. Matthew25:32-33
3. Join a sheepfold the flock of God, a Bible believing, spirit-filled Church. John 10:16 Act20:28 http://multiplyfund.com/ref.php?page=act/ref&invcod=1501
5. Listen to His voice and obey His commands. John10:3-5,27-28. MAY GOD EVER BE YOUR SHEPHERD. For prayer call 08033605041 or 08033605919
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Tuesday, 6 March 2012

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Noah Ark, Don't miss out, End has come! To EveryOne Living!

Behold, terrible periodic accidents and bomb attach by the gods of this world to eliminate sincerely deceived people before the said judgment of fire! So, turn to the Creator- Almighty GOD Today. In the days of Noah all activities - governmental, educational, social, economics, religious, medical, private and public were seemingly going on normal as usual. They did not ever believe their rollicking world would have an abrupt end. They thought it would go on forever! It is exactly so in our own time today!
But to everyone's dismay, one fine evening, an old man was seen on the streets proclaiming in a loud voice, that God was going to send 40days rain to destroy every living thing on the face of the earth Gen. 7:4. His name was Noah aged 500 years. Gen.5:32. Apart from that, this old man was seen to be building an immense boat - 450ft long 133 meters, 75ft wide 22meters, and 45ft high 13meters. Gen. 6:15. The days of Noah are here again - our days are even doubly worse! Fear God and give Him glory, because the hour of His judgment has come.
Worship Him who made the heavens, the earth, the sea and the springs of water, Dear brothers, if there has been nothing wrong with all our worship of Him the world over today, He would not have thundered such a Warning to this end time generation of ours! The length, breadth and height of the Ark of time cannot be told by anyone! This ARK can contain the whole world, if the whole world listens and OBEY! But God says, All the people on earth have corrupted their ways like those of Noah's time each has turned to his own way instead of remaining in God. Can God be a Lair? The deceiver- gods of this world does not deceived in his name. He does not want people to know and turn to the true GOD before the time. It means that it will not be long before it comes. The judgment this will not be long before it comes. The judgment this time will be fire. The world - everything will be burnt! With all this filling station, build of atomic bomb by develop nations. Consult history and know that the whole world has been deceived to turn away from God. Day by Day we seek God out, we seen eager to know His ways. As if we were nations that do what is right and have not forsaken the commandment of God. Test everything, Hold on to the good. Find out what is pleasing to the Lord. Repent now. Delay is dangerous! God lover you. Do not worship in vain, If we confess our sins, He is faith and just to forgive up our shop and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness 1John1:9 If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar and His word is not in us.1John1:10. Think, Repent and Pray!
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Saturday, 3 March 2012

Breaking News

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